The Christian Film Studies Sequence

choice of Conference hosts (various GOWM confeences)

About the presenter

These presentations appeared in various GOWM Conferences.


[ Your conference hosts, Tom and Judy Kuster, realized that prior to this 10th anniversary conference some of the previous conference presentations had aged, as is often the case online – but many had not! We take this opportunity to bring back to your attention some still relevant gems that you might have missed, and give you a new chance to view and comment on them. ] ]

The following links will be of special interest to students of Christian themes and outreach through film. One or all of these would provide stimulating bases for discussion in a Christian film club. Perhaps the most penetrating is "Eyes to See." And don't skip the discussions – there are some gems in there.

From various GOWM conferences:

Challenges for the Christian Screenwriter

How Christian Was That Movie?

Making "To the Ends of the Earth"

The Christian Film Festival

Reviews of All the Luther Movies

Christian Indie Film Production

Filmmaking (that is, Storytelling) Overseas

Superhero Films - Unlikely Sources of Truth

Eyes to See – Jesus in Film

Seeing and Using Redemption Analogies

Critical Series on THE CHOSEN


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