Sports Local and National

Isaac Rice (Minneapolis, Minnesota USA)

About the presenter

Isaac graduated from Bethany Lutheran College in 2013.


[ We invited Bethany graduates in Communication and Media Arts to report what they were up to, and respond to some questions about how they have used what they learned at Bethany and since. Please feel free to greet, ask questions, and comment. ]

When did you graduate from Bethany, what was your major, and in what, if anything, did you specialize while in school?

2013, Communication — Broadcast Journalism emphasis;

What are you doing now with media/technology?

I work as a television director. I mostly focus on live sports directing. I am the lead remote director for CCX Media covering local high school sports in the Norwest Suburbs of the Twin Cities metro area. I take our TV production truck to cover various events. I also freelance for companies like Rush Media covering collegiate sports for FOX properties like Big Ten Network and FOX Sports 1. I also do some WNBA for teams across the country through the contract Rush Media has with the WNBA. In addition to that, I do some work for Bally Sports North and Bally Sports Wisconsin. I mostly do studio pre and postgame shows as technical director, audio operator, or director for shows like Brewers Live, Twins Live, Wild Live, etc.

Do you have any goals or aspirations beyond what you are doing now?

My goal is to secure a job with a regional or national network directing collegiate and/or pro sports year-round. I would also be open to being a freelancer with a package of games. A package of games means a guaranteed number of games with a team or network throughout the sports season without being full-time for that team or network.

Have you found any opportunities to use your skills and experience for Gospel outreach?

I don't really use my skills much for outreach. Just like any other job I come across people who have a relationship with God and some who do not. In a position of leadership I do not like to push my beliefs or thoughts on people. I don't like to divide people or bring up things that could cause problems with some. It is like politics. I work with people who don't align with me politically but I work in harmony with them even if there would certainly be a disagreement if politics were discussed. That said I am always open to healthy conversation about religion or if someone asks me about religion as they try to strengthen their relationship with God.

Have you encountered any difficulty or hostility in your profession because you are a Christian?

I have never had any difficulty or hostility. I think most who I have worked with several times and I have talked with know I am a Christian and even know I went to a religious high school and college. But freelances I have only worked once or twice with haven’t discussed religion at all. We have only discussed things that have come up related to work. So I don’t hide the fact I am a Christian but I don’t bring up things not work related either unless I really get to know you.


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Charis Carmichael Braun (BLC) 2024-10-26 4:22:53pm
What a wonderful way - through your excellent skillset - that people need to go through as a "gateway" to discover you're a Christian. (I'm always delighted when, if I do not know of a person's faith-background and have gotten to know them as a professional on purely business terms, to discover their religion.) From the other side of the conversation - the one DISCOVERING - please know that (at least for me), it is a welcome delight.
Aaron Evans 2024-11-06 9:17:23pm
Isaac! Happy to hear you're still keeping busy doing great work in sports! Always enjoyed working together on back in the day.