The “official” answer is the same answer it has been for 2000 years - make worship your priority, in all things. However, we live in an ever complicated world that is increasingly less dependent on the clock and calendar, and the reality is that there will be conflicts of schedule.
The first tip is knowing what you’re getting into - from my early days at Bethany as part of the hockey broadcasting crew, the mantra was “nights, weekends, holidays” - essentially, all of the times other people are watching TV, you are out there making it. If you aren’t prepared for that, then this line of work simply isn’t for you.
Resources like church livestreams and VODs can be beneficial - not as a replacement for in person worship, to be certain, but to keep connected and to hear the Word for those times that you cannot be there due to your position. But this works when, unbounded by your job requirements, you make all other obligations go away, and you commit yourself to being at church when you can. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten off of work at 4:30am, been at church for 9am, and then back to work at 1pm. As my dear friend Kris Larsen used to say, “Sleep is highly overrated.”
I also truly believe that committing to active roles in my congregation has helped my connection to it. As part of the council, I’m in regular email and text contact with our pastor and other members, to where even if I have to be gone 3-4 Sundays in a row, I am acutely aware of what is going on, what the needs are, and how I can best help. Maybe that isn’t an option for some of you reading, but trust me - I am sure there are ways you can help your congregation out Monday-Saturday. Try it!
In 2021-2022, our church building was remodeled, during that time we were a church that set up tables, chairs, PA, and the livestream in various rental halls in town every Sunday. During that period of time I was very open with my bosses about what was going on, and the importance of being able to lead our tech team through that transition. In the end I missed 1 Sunday during that entire period of time. Have the conversations, be open and honest, and who knows? You might be able to be free for 9a service, as long as you’re on time for 10:30a crew call.
Incidentally, right around the time when we were moving into our new sanctuary is also about the time I was promoted, so there’s a lesson there too - Give God, your employers, and the people around you the same thing - your best. Good things happen when you do.