Return to Through Sports to Development

John Dvorak (CSP) 2024-10-30 10:08:37am
Hi Jeff! Appreciate the question. Heading back to SCLA truly was a blessing and not as awkward as one would think; it was like coming back "home". The mindset I've tried to develop/grow these last 10+ years has been to be the "same person" whether I'm at work or home, church, etc. Just trying to be authentic and who I am! Yes, sometimes I needed to put my "fundraiser" hat on and make invitations for gifts ... but many times the main goal was (and still is) to simply better connect/engage alumni & friends/parents to the mission and needs of the school. I think if you set up certain expectations heading into a donor visit, there won't be any surprises. There is such joy in giving, and it is okay to talk about it!
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