Return to Through Sports to Development

Jeff Lemke (Bethany Lutheran College) 2024-10-29 3:24:17pm
Thanks for sharing your story and your walk with Christ, John. Did it feel strange going back to your high school to work? How was it on your relationships with then being the "money guy"? I'm sure many artists and professional communicators can feel that need to get paid for their work and yet that can make some long-standing relationships a little awkward. How was that journey for you?
John Dvorak (CSP) 2024-10-30 10:08:37am
Hi Jeff! Appreciate the question. Heading back to SCLA truly was a blessing and not as awkward as one would think; it was like coming back "home". The mindset I've tried to develop/grow these last 10+ years has been to be the "same person" whether I'm at work or home, church, etc. Just trying to be authentic and who I am! Yes, sometimes I needed to put my "fundraiser" hat on and make invitations for gifts ... but many times the main goal was (and still is) to simply better connect/engage alumni & friends/parents to the mission and needs of the school. I think if you set up certain expectations heading into a donor visit, there won't be any surprises. There is such joy in giving, and it is okay to talk about it!
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